
Independence Day with Zoya America

1:34 AM

*I bought this

Hello everyone!
This will be my short and sweet Independence Day post. I was hoping I would have time for an official holiday manicure and I made it just in time! 

I used Zoya "Ling", "Purity" & "America" perfect! I picked these three up last year during a Zoya  Independence Day sale I believe. I used chevron vinyls from Vibrant Vinyls and a dotting tool! Links to these retailers below. 

If you're in the U.S. Happy Independence Day to you, have a safe one! And if you're not I hope you're doing well and having an awesome day! Thanks for hanging out. 

If you'd like, you can

Until next time! 

*All products shown were purchased with my own resources. 

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  1. Very cute! I ended up using Ling in my 4th of July mani as well! :D

  2. Great job on these! I was trying to figure out a way to incorporate chevrons and never would of thought of this.

    1. Thank you! I'm really happy with how it turned out. Now I'll need something fun for next year lol!

  3. What an absolutely fantastic manicure! I'm not usually a fan of patriotic manis, but this is very well done!

  4. Thank you so much! I can't believe I forgot to reply to my comments. So sorry!
