
Alcohol Musings by Top Shelf Lacquer + UC Stamping

9:21 PM

Hello! In today's post I've got some shimmery beauties to share! Top Shelf Lacquer is launching this collection of beautiful shades and I can't wait to share swatches with you! I never like to drag things on so sit back and relax! Here's the Alcohol Musings collection!

Life Is Brewtiful
Top Shelf Lacquers Life Is BrewtifulTop Shelf Lacquers Life Is Brewtiful
Lilac base with a red shimmer that shifts to a subtle copper with a touch of scattered holo.

I Am GIN-vincible
Top Shelf Lacquers I Am GinvincibleTop Shelf Lacquers I Am Ginvincilble
Medium blue creme with turquoise to purple shifting shimmer. 

You Can't Sip With Us
Top Shelf Lacquers You Cant Sip With UsTop Shelf Lacquers You Cant Sip With Us
Bright orange creme with greenish gold shimmer, in some lightings a subtle pink flash may be noticed.  

Tequila Made Me Do It
Top Shelf Lacquers Tequila Made Me Do It Top Shelf Lacquers Tequila Made Me Do It
Turquoise creme with a turquoise to pink shifting shimmer and touch of scattered holo. 

It's Not Good To Keep Things Bottled Up
Top Shelf Lacquers Its Not Good To Keep Things Bottled UpTop Shelf Lacquers Its Not Good To Keep Things Bottled Up
Rose pink creme with pink to blue shifting shimmer and a touch of scattered holo. 

Irish I Had A Beer
Top Shelf Lacquers Irish I Had A BeerTop Shelf Lacquers Irish I Had A Beer
Mint green creme with a soft peach pink shimmer and a touch of scattered holo. 

Each of my swatches shows 2 coats of color + a coat of glossy top coat! I'm really loving these. Lots of creamy yet shimmery beauty with minimal brushstrokes left behind. 

I paired some of these beauties together with the UberChic Beauty mini Garden Love plate and came up with these two manis! 

White Picket Fence 

Sprigs With Butterflies 

The Alcohol Musings collection will be available in full size 15ml and mini 8ml sizes. 
Full collection pricing: Full size $60 mini $45 Available July 14th at 8pm Est. 

I hope you've enjoyed today's post! If you need the Alcohol Musings or other Top Shelf Lacquer shades in your life......
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UberChic Beauty
Let me know your thoughts on these below!

*Received for swatching/review. All opinions are honest and 100% my own based on my experiences. Descriptions courtesy of Top Shelf Lacquer.

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  1. Pretty polished, especially the first two. I've been very pleased with my orders/products from this company.

    Cute nail art too!

  2. These look ah-mazing! Your swatches are beautiful!

  3. I Am GIN-vincible is seriously amazing. I don't know why I am so drawn to that blue, but it's beautiful!

  4. This whole collection is A+ but You Can't Sip With Us is just my favorite. SO beautiful.

  5. The collection is gorgeous (I adore Can't Sip With Us), and great minds truly do think alike--I posted a very similar mani with a dragonfly decal instead of a butterfly decal! Gotta say, I like your color combo better. :) <3

  6. That orange and turquoise are calling to me!

  7. ...You Can't Sip With Us may or may not be calling out to me. And your arts? Duuuuude. Lo, you're killing it!
