
LE insta dri & NYC lippie

11:24 PM

*Press Sample

Hello everyone!

Today I have swatches of three Sally Hansen LE insta dri polishes and a NYC lippie that are ready for the fourth! 

Let's start with the polish!

Quick Brick
2 coats + topcoat

Tag, Ur It! 
This is an okay white, it will stamp but it will not be 100% opaque its more in the 80-90% still really good! 

Vandal Eyes
3 thin coats to hide vnl. slight shimmer but hard to capture. 

These three are the thinner formula, so I didn't bother to stamp my swatches. I did try them though and they stamp but not very opaquely. Vandal eyes might be ok over a dark blue but it would be really ghostly lol. Ghostly stamping hmm.

Let's move on to the lippie! This is a NYC Expert Last Lipcolor, they retail for $1.99 online, links to the website below! 

Red Suede
Red lip products are some of my favorites!

Sigh, is it gorgeous, yes. Or at least I think so. It's definitely not a satin or matte in my opinion. It's not super glossy but it is glossy. It applies like butter so be careful, if you slip it could get messy. They claim 6 hours of wear but I didn't test that. 

The polishes retail for $4.99 usd and will be available in July at chain drugstores and retailers nationwide.  

Follow Sally Hansen online: 


Until next time! 
Xo, Lo

*press sample, products were sent by the company for swatching and review. All opinions are honest and 100% my own. 

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  1. That lipstick...I'm drooling! The polishes are nice, but nothing extra, but the lipstick... Damn <3
    Xoxo, Nyx

  2. Oh! your lips looks great in that lipstick!

  3. Beautiful lip color! I like the polishes as well for what they are. I only have a couple of bottles of the Insta-dri but I can definitely see picking up the white. Shame that it wouldn't stamp 100% opaque, but even 80-90 isn't too bad and can be useful!

  4. Very pretty! I love Quick Brick.

  5. The lipstick looks beautiful on you! I have these polishes and I like the shimmer in Vandal Eyes. I wish it translated a bit better to the nail.

  6. I was wondering how this instra dry white compared to the discontinued one that I've heard people rave about. I'll have to give it a try.

  7. I like Vandal Eyes, but I rarely buy drug store polished anymore - indies have taken over! Lol When I do buy drug store though, it's actually usually this brand :)

  8. This is my new fav white to use for an undie!
