
What's Up Nails Mermaid scales vinyls

11:27 AM

*Press Sample*

Hello everyone!

 Today I have a mermaid scale mani to share with you all. I received some sample vinyls from What's Up Nails to review. I got to choose some vinyls and one set I chose were the scales! I usually turn to stamping for my mermaid-y type manicures so I thought vinyls would be nice to try also.
 For this mani I started off with a base of FingerPaints Patent Black. And for my scale colors I chose three polishes from the China Glaze Crinkled Chromes. Though they're sort of similar and it really looks like two shades I promise there's three. "Crush, crush baby" "Don't be foiled" and "Aluminate"
What's up nails vinyls were super easy to use for me. I didn't have to weed (remove the inner pieces) at all with this sheet. I've heard others haven't been as lucky, but I'm wondering if it's just hit or miss. I am very  pleased with how crisp my lines stayed even though I used a weird textured polish. 
I remember when this line came out and it was either love them or hate them. I have to say for this mani I love them. I picked my set up at my local Ross and I'm super happy that I did! What do you think? Would you wear this mani? I promise I won't be hurt if you wouldn't. I know  texture isn't everyone's cup of tea but let me know down below!

 Vinyls from What's up nails cost $4.75 a sheet and come in many styles. They also stock other nail art and nail accessories. Which can all be found here: Shop What's up nails

Until next time! 
Xo, Lo

*Press Sample* Vinyls provided by company for review and swatching purposes. All opinions stated are honest and 100% my own. 

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  1. That looks great. I loved the base colour too.

  2. That looks great. I loved the base colour too.

  3. I love the mani, your lines are so crisp! Texture isn't for me though, I can ocassionally wear a Zoya Pixiedust on an accent nail but even then only for a short time! 😊

    1. Thank you, I hear ya i know its not for everyone. I do enjoy them though. The pixies are some of my favorites but they look extra amazing topcoated! I wont lie i love it all lol!

  4. I love this mani! I have had major trouble with almost all the nail vinyls I purchased from What's Up Nails in regards to weeding, though. :( Tried from all sides as well. Maybe I got bad sheets.

    1. These were no issue but the moroccan sheet i received is the worst ever. I can not for the life of me get them to weed themselves. :(

  5. Lovely <3 I don't see three shades there, but I love it ;) I've never tried nail vinyls , but I've seen a bunch of them lately and will have to try them =)
    Xoxo, Nyx

    1. Thank you! Yeah i was sort of sad that the blue and silver are practically identical when sponged, but i went with it.

  6. This is the best that I've seen anything from this collection look! Do you have a macro of this?! I'd love to see it's beauty up close.

    1. Yay score 1 for me! No I did not but now i really wish i would have. I might have to visit this again just for a macro!

  7. Wow these turned out beautifully!!

  8. I really like this and would definitely wear it! It's really pretty.

    1. Awesome! I love trying to find ways of making the weirdo polishes work lol.

  9. Loooove mermaid scales, this mani came out great

  10. It's so pretty! I haven't tried the crinkled chromes, I passed on them, but it looks good in this mani.

    1. Thank you, I wish i could have found the others at this lowered price.

  11. I think this is the best use of those CG polishes I've ever seen. I was not a fan of that collection.

    1. Yay, Thank you! I wasnt either when they came out. i have a problem leaving discount polish behind lol. Im glad i made them work though. :)

  12. I love this and your color choices! Finally the crinkled chromes are good for something!

  13. My reaction to the crinkled chromes were definitely "ewwww, run!". This is the first time I have seen a mani where I liked them!

    1. They are definitely not the most attractive textured polish lol.

  14. I love your mani. The color association is perfect

  15. Perfect mani! I love textured polish but I haven't tried the crinkle chromes based on their reputation. Lol

    1. Thank you! I was hesitant but for the price i was game, so glad i picked them up.

  16. Mermaid scale all the mani's!

  17. I would wear that mani, I love that mani, and I wish I had the full line of those CGs...sigh...:)

    1. Yay that makes me happy. I wish i had the others now too.
