
Ellagee Polish Pickup for June!

8:26 PM

Hello, hello! I'm back with another Ellagee shade for the Polish Pickup group! This months theme is under the sea and I can't wait to share her shade with you all. Let's take a peek at what ellagee came up with for this theme!

I Shall Call Him Squishy
Ellagee I Shall Call Him SquishyEllagee I Shall Call Him Squishy 
This hot pink base full of blue shimmer and iridescent flakies is just gorgeous! I'm not a huge fan of pink but this one is amazing!! The formula is nice and smooth, easy to apply and is completely opaque in 2 thicker coats/ 3 thin coats.  For my swatch I used one thin and one thicker coat plus top coat. 
I took I Shall Call Him Squishy and threw some quick stamping over the top. Needless to say, I love it! The stamping shade I used was on the thinner side which let the flakie magic peek through. 
Ellagee I Shall Call Him Squishy Whats Up Nails Stamping 
Ellagee I Shall Call Him Squishy Whats Up Nails Stamping
Images from the What's Up Nails Watermarble To Perfection plate found here

The Polish Pickup Under The Sea polishes preorder will be available from June 2nd-5th. Shipping may take up to 3 weeks after preorder ends.

For a run down on how the polish pickup works you can find a quick rundown here.


Join the Polish Pickup group here so you don't miss out on any info or swatches! 

Makers contributing to the June theme are:
Alter Ego Body Care Products
BLUSH Lacquers
Chirality Polish
Contrary Polish
Darling Diva Polish
Ellison’s Organics
Envy Lacquer
Fair Maiden
Girly Bits
Jior Couture
Leesha’s Lacquer
le polish
Lilypad Lacquer
Lollipop Posse Lacquer
My Stunning Nails
Night Owl Lacquer
Northern Star
Octopus Party Nail Lacquer
Sassy Pants Polish
Seventy Seven Nail Lacquer
Smokey Mountain Lacquers
Toadarrific Vinyls
Top Shelf Lacquer
Turtle Tootsie Polishes

Thanks for hanging out with me today! Until next time!

*received for swatching/review. All opinions are honest and 100% my own based on my experiences. 

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